Orgón – Manta de orgón y Acumulador de orgón.
- Lana de acero atrae la energía de orgón, cuando lo envuelves en un material, la energía de orgón es atraída por el acero, y se mantiene dentro del material. Cuando tu pones tu cuerpo con el material, tu cuerpo absorve el orgón.
- Plástico para envolver comida.
- Tela de algodón, o una manta de alpaca o lana de borrego.
- Elásticos.
- Cobija.
- Manta.
- Tobillera.
- Rodillera.
- Un sintillo, para poner en la cabeza.
- Almohada(inclusive para dormir en la cama).
- Puedes ponerle como un forro del asiento del auto.
Le toma tiempo cargarse con Orgón, unos 4 o 5 días.
Usar entre 5 y 10 minutos, y cuando te sientas cómodo, se puede usar todo el día. Cuando le sientes que es muy fuerte, ya no lo usas más. Tienes que ver cuánto aguanta tu cuerpo. Al inicio no hay que usar mucho tiempo.
No usar cuando llueve, ni cuando hay muchas nubes.
No usar cerca de una televisión, de un micro-ondas, luces fluorescentes, o cualquier equipo de alta irradiación.
Usar durante 45 minutos, 2 veces al día.
Dear Wilton, I thank you for taking time to answer me! I believe you are right! My son had a dislocated shoulder from wrestling before. So one week ago he complained that he could not raise his arm, otherwise his shoulder would hurt. That’s when I remembered your video. Otherwise I almost never have any pain to test on. I want to make a very light orgone blanket, even lighter than yours. So I unfolded the steel wool, as it comes folded four times and put 2 inside a gallon zip lock bag. And just lay them loosely in between two blanket, and put them under his mattress. I didn’t hear him complain any more, and in less than one week he went back to the gym to lift weight again, and he told me that his shoulder is in better condition than before! I cheated. I put one more thing with the orgone blanket. I put on top of the orgone blanket «Tesla Positive Energy Purple Plate» which makes thing higher vibrational. You can buy them here: I use them to purify water, air, vegetables, fruits … You can search on YouTubes and see what other people say about this! It’s a miracle! I just made up a way to combine the purple plate & orgone blanket! I also used them under my mattress and I noticed that it gave me much more energy. But I used up all the steel wool I bought for both of my kids. Now I am waiting to buy more to use on myself. Thank you for everything!!!