Optimización del cerebro con tecnología – Mendi – fNIRS – Obelab.
hemodynamic activity in the prefrontal areas that are important for executive function, working memory, impulse control, emotion regulation and planning.
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy
robert@mendi.io; support@mendi.io
Estudios que validan la eficacia.
Cambridge University Press. Clinical Efficacy of a New Automated Hemoencefalographic Neurofeedback Protocol.
Trainability of hemodynamic parameters: A near-infrared spectroscopy based neurofeedback study.
I tried the mindblowing new wearable fNIRS Brain Device from Obelab (NIRSIT)
Using fNIRS to shine light on the brain
How Mendi Works for Focus (CoFounder/CTO Rickard Eckloff Interview).