Neurofeedback 1.

En el video de abajo(en el Neurospan) utilizan TMS, con Neurofeedback(3d loreta), con Neurotracker para tratar las personas. What if Tech could CURE Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and other Brain Disorders?! ¿Qué tal si es que aplicas TMS mientras al mismo tiempo ests haciendo Neurofeedback. Primero hacen un Brian Map del cerebro. En 2 meses curan a una persona que tiene depresión crónica, con 40 sesiones de TMS, con 20 sesiones de Neurofeedback. Ver el video de abajo «Neurofeedback for OCD Los Angeles Orange County Inland Empire Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Upland», dondeh hablan sobre como el entrenameinto de Neurofeedback entrena a ejecutivos para que puedan operar al tope bajo súper alta presión.

What if tech could cured depression, anxiety.

NeuroTrackerX Promo Video 2021

Can Neurofeedback Therapy Help With OCD?

TMS Cures severe case of OCD, Anxiety, and Depression

Neurofeedback for OCD Los Angeles Orange County Inland Empire Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Upland

Marketing para Neurofeedback Trainning.

Neurofeedback Experts Complete Business Development Workshop

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What Is Neurofeedback?
Also called EEG biofeedback or neurotherapy, neurofeedback uses technology to identify patterns and irregularities within the brain. Once a pattern or issue is detected, it frequently may be modified, using audio and visual cues to change timing and activation patterns in the brain. Neurofeedback does not target any condition, but instead slowly guides your brain back to normal ranges, allowing your brain to return to a healthier pattern. Over time, this process of finding and correcting irregularities can help ease issues associated with a variety of conditions, resulting in relief without drugs or chemical intervention. Neurofeedback is not new; it has been used for decades to help patients with a wide range of diagnoses and issues and continues to improve and evolve.

Essentially neurofeedback is exercise for the brain.  Neurofeedback allows a patient to train his/her brainwaves in order to strengthen healthy patterns. Feedback comes in the form of sounds and images from a computer screen. Our brains learn to recognize these signals as rewards and repeat what is being rewarded—the emergence of healthier brainwave patterns. Since brainwaves influence behavior, sensation, and emotion, neurofeedback helps to reduce stress, improve concentration and strengthen performance. Click HERE to learn more about neurofeedback.

How does neurofeedback work?

Neurofeedback uses audio and visual cues to change timing and activation patterns in the brain. It does not target any condition, but instead slowly guides your brain back to normal ranges, reconnecting the neural pathways that have been disconnected. The result is an improvement in brain regulation, which in turn impacts a variety of symptoms.  Click HERE to learn more about how neurofeedback works.

What Conditions Does Neurofeedback Help?
Neurofeedback is used to restore the brain to a healthier pattern and provides relief for patients suffering from Anxiety, Depression, OCD, ADD, ADHD, Stroke, Tinnitus, Memory Loss, Insomnia, and more.  In addition to these conditions, neurofeedback has been making recent headlines as a treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury (including Concussions) and Autism. While neurofeedback is often used to assist those suffering from a wide range of medical conditions, it is also used to improve performance, enhance clarity and attain desired outcomes.  Athletes, scholars and other experts in their fields use neurofeedback as a way to optimize their brains, so they may achieve peak performance.

Will Neurofeedback Affect my Personality?
Neurofeedback will not change your personality – it will simply train your brain to work more effectively and enhance your overall mental balance and mood. Most people feel calmer, less stressed and better able to focus after beginning neurofeedback, but the process does not change your core personality, beliefs or memory.

How Long Until I Feel a Difference?
Most people find the neurofeedback process and training relaxing – some feel relief and results immediately, but every patient is different. Most of our patients begin to feel the benefits of neurofeedback in 3-4 weeks, or 6-8 sessions.

How Long Do Neurofeedback Results Last?
Since neurofeedback works to train your brain to make effective connections and create positive changes, the results last. Completing neurofeedback is like learning any other skill – from riding a bicycle to swimming or knitting, once you acquire the skill you will retain it. Some patients do like to return and review on a regular basis – pediatric patients who are constantly experiencing growth and change may need to return occasionally, just as they return to a doctor, speech therapist or physical therapist, as gains are made.

  • Will Neurofeedback Interfere with my Medication?
    Since neurofeedback is drug-free and designed to retrain your brain, it does not interfere with the medications you currently take. Certain medications of the Benzodiazepines class may conflict with the results of neurofeedback.  You should continue taking medication as prescribed. Once results start to occur, it is recommended to have a meeting with your prescribing doctor to discuss if reductions or eliminations are possible. DO NOT stop taking your prescription medication without consulting with your regular physician.
  • What about Side Effects?
    In over four decades, there have been very few reported side effects and neurofeedback is considered safe for all patients.
Is neurofeedback supported by research?

Yes!  There are hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and journal articles that support the benefits of neurofeedback to treat a wide-range of brain disorders and improve cognitive functions.  You can easily read many of these articles by searching Neurofeedback in Google Scholar.  For more articles specific to your condition, feel free to email us:

Why don’t more people know about neurofeedback?

Despite the clinical evidence of neurofeedback’s effectiveness, there are no major lobbying groups or organizations that fund advertising and marketing campaigns promoting neurofeedback (like many do for the pharmaceutical industry for example).  The research is available and its use by individuals is increasing every year.  Most of our patients are referred from their doctor for treatment.

Are there any negative effects from neurofeedback training?

Side-effects are rare.  Clients may experience short lived negative effects after sessions, but these effects are usually gone the next day. For example, clients may have trouble sleeping, or they may feel mentally fatigued after a session. Usually we are able to alter the training so that negative effects do not occur.

Boosting Memory with Neurofeedback Brain-wave training

How Does Neurofeedback Therapy Work

Neurofeedback: Using Technology to Shape the Brain

What is Neurofeedback and How Can it Help with Inattention, Fogginess, and Memory Problems?


NEUROFEEDBACK to increase focus and productivity!



Brain Training for OCD, Anxiety and Worry.

Neuroscience DMP – Neurofeedback and TMS For OCD Treatment

Synchrony neurofeedback with a long term meditator

más de 3500 artículos con investigación.


The Brain Connectome Explained Through Graph Theory (Neurofeedback Implications)

Neurofeedback brainwave training for Chinese Special Ed students | Elyn MacInnis | TEDxHultShanghai

Fix Your Brain with Neurofeedback – Dr Andrew Hill, del neurofeedback institute.

Neurofeedback 101 Webinar


Neurofeedback Tips for Structuring EEG Sessions – Webinar | Thought Technology

¿Que es Neurofeedback y Como funciona?


Neuro Feedback Entrenamiento Cerebral- HogarTv por Juan Gonzalo Angel

Neurofeedback — el poder oculto del cerebro | Edgar Peña | TEDxUniversidadPiloto


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