México – Comunidad – Los Horcones.


Los Horcones

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Coordinates: 28°44′04″N 110°25′10″W Los Horcones is an intentional community located about 40 miles from Hermosillo, Mexico.[1] It has described itself «as the only true Walden Two community in existence».[2] The members of Los Horcones use techniques based on behavioral science to shape their own and each other’s behaviors. They use those behavior-shaping techniques in politically coordinated ways and they do so in order to continuously improve themselves and their culture. They are striving to build a culture «based on cooperation, sharing, non-violence, equality and ecological sustainability».[3]

Experimentalism and continuous improvement are two of the most important doctrines of a Walden Two community. Burrhus Frederic Skinner, author of the novel Walden Two, expressed this in the following way.





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