¿Es realmente Eckhart Tolle un iluminado?

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Eckhart’s foundation for his spiritual thesis is the focus on ‘now’, for that is the whole of our ‘being’ – the experience of each moment of our ‘now’. The one major defect however is that in the emptiness or magical illusion or phantasm that the Buddhists refer to as ‘sunyata’, which is almost impossible to translate into English, the ‘now’ itself is also an ‘illusion’ the word commonly used by Eckhart throughout his book. Eckhart asks us to simply focus and accept what appears to us in our ‘now’, and in this sense, he keeps giving meaningless answers to questioners posing how they can by just simply accepting the ‘now’ for what it is in their lives, without more, solve their adverse ‘life situations’? In solving life’s vagaries, what is the utility of the mind to simply focusing on the ‘now’ that is already ‘past’ when we experience it as our present; for how long does it take for our senses and mind to perceive, register and compute and then generate the mental imagery of what we see and what we hear? Practitioners should instead be taught ‘not’ to ignore what their minds tell them rather than follow what Eckhart prescribed, and instead to train their minds by putting each thought under active surveillance to vet them as to whether they are mindful, thoughtful and wholesome so that any resulting action of karma will be mindful, thoughtful and wholesome. It is only through changing our karmic residue and consequences that we can change our ‘life situations’! For good begets good and bad begets bad!

Similarly, Eckhart gives the clear impression that we should watch and ignore our fickle minds, and it is in this sense that Eckhart again fails to explain that this ‘watcher’ in us is also an ‘illusion’, in his choice of words. In Buddhist terms, it is just ‘sunyata’! The ‘mind’ is ‘sunyata’, the ‘watcher’ that Ekhart refers to is also ‘sunyata’, the entire experience of the phantasmagoria of the phenomena in our existence are all ‘sunyata’.








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