Samantha Gilbert es una experta en balanceo nutricional, identificación de submetilación y sobremetilación que generan problemas de depresión, transtorno obsesivo compulsivo, ansiedad, hiperactividad y autismo. La idea es que tu aprendas sobre cómo funciona tu organismo, y le hagas actualizaciones para que puedas hacer funcionar al nivel óptimo.
Sami’s Take On The Big 5
Eating Disorders
undermethylation (OCD) or overmethylation (OCPD). The great news is nutrients can fix this!
What is undermethylation?
Undermethylation (also called histadelia) is a genetically acquired condition that occurs when too few methyl molecules are available to add to enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Undermethylation is not the same condition as histamine intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).
Why is it a problem?
Lack of methyl groups (a carbon group with three hydrogen atoms) to support neurotransmitter activity creates depressed levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Suboptimal levels of these important neurotransmitters cause depression, perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive and ritualistic behaviors, addictive tendencies, high-achievement and competition, and seasonal allergies. Undermethylators tend to respond well to serotonin-enhancing substances such as Prozac, Zoloft, St. John’s Wort, and SAMe. These individuals are also more at risk to develop certain types of cancers.
Who can be undermethylated?
I often see high achieving, type A females with strong perfectionistic tendencies to be undermethylated. They are calm on the outside with lots of inner tension and often, severe depression. Undermethylation is also an underlying component of autism. However, any gender of any age can be undermethylated.
How can we fix it?
Undermethylators have a genetic tendency to be very low in calcium, magnesium, methionine, and vitamin B6, with excessive levels of folic acid. This condition can be safely corrected and balanced with dietary and nutrient therapy. First, let’s see if you might be impacted by this. Take the free, five-minute life assessment to find out if this applies to you.
What is overmethylation?
Overmethylation (also called histapenia) is a genetically acquired condition that occurs when too many methyl molecules are available to add to enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters.
Why is it a problem?
Too many methyl groups (a carbon group with three hydrogen atoms) creates excessive levels of the important neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which leads to hyperexcitability in the brain. This causes high anxiety, rumination, heavy body hair, musical and artistic abilities, an inability to sit still, food and chemical sensitivities, paranoia, and sleeping problems. Overmethylators do not respond well to serotonin-enhancing substances such as Prozac, Zoloft, St. John’s Wort, and SAMe, which can make them suicidal. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are often seen in overmethylated individuals.
Who can be overmethylated?
I often see females and children with high empathy for others, food and chemical sensitivities, and an adverse reaction to antidepressant medications be overmethylated. Verbosity is also a hallmark of this condition. However, any gender of any age can be overmethylated.
How can we fix it?
Overmethylators have a genetic tendency to be very low in folic acid and vitamin B6, in addition to other important nutrients. This condition can be safely corrected and balanced with dietary and nutrient therapy. First, let’s see if you might be impacted by this. Take the free, five-minute life assessment to find out if this applies to you.