Digestión Consciente – Dieta de Steven Wright – Para mejorar la digestión – Dieta específica de carbohidratos – Dieta Fodmap.

FEAD – Fodmap – infografía – Dieta recomendad por doc coba

DIETA FODMAP CON LISTA DE ALIMENTOS | Para recuperarse de Colon Irritable SII y Helicobacter Pylori

DIETA BAJA EN FODMAPs💨Qué Es💥Para Qué Sirve⭐️Cómo Hacerla⚡️¿El Fin De Las Molestias Digestivas?


Dieta Fodmap y lista de alimentos a incluir | Dieta baja en FODMAPs para SIBO o SII entre otros

¿Qué es la DIETA FODMAP? | Para qué sirve la dieta FODMAP | Nutrición y Dietética

Dieta FODMAP para el colon e intestino irritable


Capaz lo que hay que hacer es hacer una entrenamiento de adaptación para lograr que el sistema digestivo de cualquier pesona pueda digerir cualquier comida sin ningún problema.


Effect of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet on the Microbiome of a Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Ulcerative Colitis Patient.

The patient’s fecal microbiota was dramatically different from those of three healthy control subjects and showed remarkable loss of bacterial diversity in terms of species richness, evenness, and overall diversity measures. Other specific changes in bacterial composition included an increase in Enterobacteriaceae, including Escherichia and Enterobacter species. A two- to three-fold decrease was observed in the prevalence of the most dominant fecal bacterial species, Fusobacterium ulcerans, after two weeks on the SCD. Overall species diversity and evenness increased to levels near the controls, although species richness remained low. These findings provide information on the fecal bacteria from a patient with PSC and UC, following prolonged oral vancomycin treatment, and identifies a potentially specific microbial effect for the SCD.


The SCD was an effective therapy for IBD in this patient with IBD and PSC. Determining factors for SCD efficacy may involve the dominant intestinal bacterial species and may thus be patient specific, arguing for microbiome analysis as a diagnostic tool. While there are effective and potent downstream medications, it would be more advantageous to treat upstream causes of IBD. More research is needed to illuminate interactions between vancomycin dosing, PSC, microbial composition, and IBD symptoms and how they may differ between individual patients.



Steven Wright,SCD Lifestyle, Carbohidrate diet.


Getting Started with the SCD Diet with Steven Wright



What Is the SCD Diet?

The SCD diet was developed in the 1920s by Dr. Sidney Haas, a pediatric gastroenterologist who sought an effective way to manage celiac disease in children. In the 1950s, Dr. Haas published Management of Celiac Disease with his son, Dr. Merrill Haas.

In the 1990s, Dr. Haas’ protocol was revised and published in biochemist Elaine Gottschall’s book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Gottschall’s daughter was a patient of Dr. Haas who followed SCD to manage her ulcerative colitis.

SCD Rules

The general structure of the SCD diet is free of:

  • Grains
  • Complex carbohydrates (starches)
  • Added sugars
  • Processed foods

The SCD eliminates foods that may cause digestive system inflammation for some people. Monosaccharides — also known as simple sugars — are the only carbohydrates allowed under SCD.

Complex carbohydrates (disaccharides, oligosaccharides, or polysaccharides) are restricted because they may be more difficult for your body to break down. Undigested food can promote an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which can cause bloating, constipation, and other symptoms.

SCD places foods into two categories: “legal” and “illegal.” Legal foods are allowed on the diet while illegal foods are not.

Legal foods:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables such as bananas, blueberries, cucumbers, and eggplants
  • Nuts and nut flours such as pecans, macadamia nuts, and sugar-free peanut butter
  • Legumes such as lentils and split peas
  • Fermented dairy products such as homemade yogurt, dry curd cottage cheese, and cheddar cheese
  • Beef, poultry, and seafood

Illegal foods:

  • Starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, yams, and corn
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Processed meats such as cold cuts
  • Most dairy products such as ice cream, milk, and commercial yogurt
  • Sweeteners such as maple syrup, cane sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup

For a full list of foods allowed on the SCD diet, click here.

How To Follow the SCD Diet

Similar to other elimination diets, you begin the SCD diet withan introductory phase that lasts a maximum of five days. During this phase, eat mainly chicken broth, eggs, and meat. After that, gradually introduce other SCD-legal foods like cooked fruits and vegetables, and note how your body responds.

Keeping a food journal can help you identify which foods are your worst triggers. You can also work with a dietitian or health coach to come up with a sustainable eating plan.

Since it’s a very restrictive diet that excludes many healthy foods, SCD is not intended to be a long-term eating plan. Once your gut health improves, you will slowly re-incorporate healthy, whole foods from outside of the SCD plan back into your diet.

Remember that any diet framework must be tailored to fit your body’s needs, so expect to experiment to find what works best for you.

Effects of the SCD Diet on Common GI Disorders

SCD diet: Woman turning away sliced bread

Although anyone can follow the SCD diet to help improve an unhealthy gut, this protocol was originally designed to improve the symptoms of celiac disease in children. Since then, it’s been recommended for patients of various GI disorders and autoimmune diseases.

SCD and Celiac Disease 

Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the small intestine, leading to poor digestion and malabsorption of key minerals. It’s triggered by gluten, a protein found in bread and cereal.

Celiac disease is a genetically-predisposed condition that affects nearly 1% of the world’s population [1]. Diagnosis can take place in early childhood or late adulthood, and patients may not always show overt symptoms [2, 3].

Common symptoms of celiac disease:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Constipation

Non-digestive symptoms of celiac disease:

  • Increased risk of cirrhosis of the liver [4, 5]
  • Anemia [6, 7]
  • Osteoporosis [8, 9]

How SCD helps manage celiac disease:

  • SCD restricts gluten, a trigger for celiac symptoms. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 16 approved studies shows celiac patients experience an increase in health-related quality of life via a gluten-free diet [10].
  • However, outside of Dr. Haas’ research on children from the 1950s  [11], there is little modern scientific research to support the benefits of SCD for celiac disease.
  • Note that celiac disease may coexist with inflammatory bowel diseases [12, 13]. Current studies regarding the effects of SCD on IBD are more readily available (see below.)

Invertir en una evaluación con Mónica Hershaft que hace evaluaciones del cuerpo con kinesiología aplicada.




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