Digestión Consciente – Cómo mejorar la digestión y reducir los gases.
1. Prueba de cándida. Prueba de saliva en la mañana.
- Cuando te despiertes por la mañana, antes de ingerir cualquier alimento, genera un poco de saliva y escupe en un vaso de vidrio con agua.
- Deja pasar de 30 minutos y observa los cambios que se van presentando en el vaso.
- Si hay cadenas de saliva que bajan, si el agua se volvió turbia, o si tu saliva se hundió hasta el fondo, es posible que tengas un problema de candidiasis oral.
- Si la saliva flota normal, es posible que no te ocurra nada, pero ante la duda o si presentas síntomas, acude a tu médico.
Si la cándida se desarrolla en exceso, es posible que una de las zonas más significativamente afectadas sea la mucosa bucal. En estas ocasiones, aparece en la lengua una capa blanca que incluso puede cubrir el interior de las mejillas. De esta forma, al escupir, la candida presente en la saliva se hunde en el vaso de agua, porque es más pesada.
- Cuando te despiertes por la mañana, antes de poner nada en la boca, genera un poco de saliva y escúpela en un vaso de vidrio claro con agua. Dentro de 1-30 minutos, mira dentro del vaso. Si hay cadenas de saliva que bajan, o si el agua se volvió turbia, o si tu saliva se hundió hasta el fondo, es posible que tengas un problema de Cándida. La Saliva saludable simplemente flota en la cima.
- (Es posible que desees poner un vaso de agua en el baño o en la mesita de noche la noche anterior en la que deseas hacer esta prueba , sólo para recordar de no cepillarte los dientes antes de escupir en el vaso.)
- La Candida es un tipo de hongo o levadura, que existe en cantidades equilibradas en cada cuerpo sano. De hecho, sirve en una función importante para ayudar en la digestión y la absorción de nutrientes.Esta comienza en el colon. Con el tiempo, mientras la levadura de este hongo se multiplica, comienza a migrar a través del tracto digestivo, moviéndose hacia el intestino delgado, luego al estómago (distensión abdominal, indigestión), por el esófago y dentro de la boca.
Si llega a ser fuertemente atrincherada allí, se puede ver una película blanca sobre la lengua y el interior de las mejillas. Una vez que se ha movido hasta la boca y escupes en un vaso de agua, la levadura se hundirá porque es más pesada que el agua. Si no hay levadura flotará en la parte superior.
2. Prueba para determinar si produces suficiente ácido estomacal para digerir. Colocar una cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio en agua, y tomar; si eructas inmediatamente o después de 60 segundos, entonces tienes buen ácido estomacal. Si tardas entre 2 a 3 minutos, o si no llegas a eructar, es probable que tengas poca acidez estomacal. Si es así, hacer click en el link de abajo para entrenar a tu cuerpo para producir más ácido.
Digestión Consciente – ¿Cómo mejorar la digestión? Aumentar el ácido del estómago
Investigar más en google: «mixing a lot of foods generates gases«.
1. Two high protein foods
Eggs and bacon are popular breakfast food items but it is advisable to avoid this combination. These two foods are high in protein and sit heavy in your tummy. It will take a longer time to digest both. You should eat light protein first and then your meat.
2. Citrus fruit and milk
Orange juice and milk
Milk takes longer to digest and when you have milk and lemon or any citrus fruit together, the milk coagulates. This can lead to gas and heat burn. Some people are also lactose intolerant, which means they are unable to digest lactose present in the milk. Also Read – What is ‘Uncombable Hair Syndrome’, Rare Genetic Condition That This Toddler Was Born With?
3. Milk and banana
The combination of milk and banana is heavy and it takes a long time to digest. While the food is digesting, you will experience fatigue. If you like drinking banana milk shakes, add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg powder to promote digestion.
4. Fruit with your meal
Fruits with meal
Fruits are easily digested by your tummy but your meal may require more time. So, till the food is digested, fruit is also detained and it starts fermenting. Try to avoid eating fruits with your meal or immediately after your meal.
5. Cheesy food with cold drink
Who doesn’t love pizza with a coke? As much as it sounds tempting, this combination is not good for your health. You should avoid drinking a cold drink with a cheesy food as the combination can lead to difficulty in absorption. It can cause discomfort and stomach ache.
So, next time you sit down to have a snack or a meal, try to avoid these combinations of foods. Eat safe to stay healthy.
7 Food Combinations You Need to Know [Don’t Combine These Foods]
7 Food Combinations You Need to Know [Don’t Combine These Foods].
Food Combining Rules:
- Eat fruit as a stand alone- What is the dessert of choice after a nice summer barbeque meal? Why fruit, of course! We generally feel quite good about ending the meal with healthy fruit. But in actuality, this is not a great choice. Why? Because after you eat a meal that is rich in protein or starch your body will digest those first taking up to 4 hours to do it. The simple carbohydrates in fruit require almost no digestion at all. Because of this, fruit tends to stay in the stomach longer and will ferment causing gas and bloating.
- Eat protein with leafy greens- When eating protein, choose veggies that either have a high water content (celery, broccoli, peppers) or your leafy greens. It is important to know that proteins require an acidic digestive environment to digest well. Non-starchy vegetables come packed with their own enzymes and therefore can digest well in the acidic solution that proteins require. They don’t compete with one another! In fact, leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables go with EVERYTHING. Starchy vegetables are not recommended because they require alkaline digestive juices; opposite of what protein requires, so they are to be avoided.
- Starch is best served with starch- Starch like legumes, quinoa, potatoes, and rice are best served with starchy vegetables. Starches need alkaline digestive juices (as mentioned above), so if you pair them together, they won’t compete or slow down the digestive process.
- Water can inhibit efficient digestion- How? By flooding your system with water, your stomach juices are diluted and this can put a slow down on your ability to digest your food. If you want to enhance digestion, it has been suggested that you put a little lemon and/or apple cider vinegar in your water and drink it 30 minutes before eating, it might help. Why? Both ingredients contain beneficial acids that actually help the digestive process.
- Go wild with spices and herbs- They are neutral and go well with everything.
So, now that we have learned some of the basic rules of food combining, what are some common food pairings that we love that might put us in the Digestion Danger Zone (Beware! Possible cramps and bloating!)
7 Food Combinations You Need to Know and Avoid!
- Burger, Bun and French Fries- You are mixing protein and starches here that have competing acidic/alkaline needs. You are forcing your body to choose which one to digest first. The other goes straight to fat storage.
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Tomato Soup- This is an all time favorite; a classic! But it will likely give you some gut pain. Cheese is high in fat and and carbohydrate which clashes with the acid in the soup make them difficult to digest together. Not to mention that they are both high in sodium.
- Bean and Cheese Burrito- Pairing dairy protein and beans cause your digestive system to be overloaded and overtaxed. It is almost a guaranteed recipe for gas and bloating. And it is not just the beans fault!
- Meat and Cheese Omelet- As we just sited above, protein/protein meals are heavy. Go for the veggie omelet instead.
- Spaghetti and Marinara Sauce- The carbohydrates in the pasta mixed with the acid in the tomato sauce is not recommended (didn’t I warn you about disappointment?!). Add to that some parmesan cheese and you have added more complication to an already mismatched combination. Might I suggest pesto or sauteed veggies to go with your pasta instead?
- Yogurt with Fruit- Remember the eating fruit alone rule? A better idea with yogurt is to add some healthy fat in nuts or a dash of cinnamon. A little bit of honey or a few raisins go well too.
- Wine with Dessert- Alcohol is known to raise blood sugar/insulin levels. Combine that with all the extra sugar in desserts and you have sugar that will almost immediately turn to fat on your hips. Better to opt for the coffee or tea with dessert.
Buscar en google: «food combinations to improve digestion»
10 Food Combinations to Improve Digestion

mbg Contributor By Katherine Leonard, M.S.

Expert review by Megan Fahey, M.S., R.D., CDN
One of the fundamental aspects of a nourishing lifestyle is to maximize your body’s ability to digest and assimilate nutrients. Eating foods in combinations that promote optimal digestion empowers your body to use the nutrients to fuel biochemical reactions that promote health and wellness, rather than create inflammation, malabsorption, weakened intestinal wall, and an open door to infection and disease.
To put it simply, food combining is the concept that certain foods pair well together, while other foods do not. The main categories within the food combining sphere are carbs and starches, fruits, vegetables, proteins and fats. These are the standard rules of thumb for foods you shouldn’t combine:
- Starches and proteins.
- Starches with acidic foods.
- Different types of protein.
- Protein with fat.
- Fruits with vegetables.
You can improve the digestibility of your meal by making these food combinations:
- Protein and non-starchy vegetable
- Organic chicken and kale salad
- Wild-caught salmon with steamed peppers and onion
- Grains/starchy veggies and non-starchy veggies
- Brown rice with vegetable stir-fry
- Sweet potato and asparagus
- Oils and non-starchy veggies
- Avocado and salad
- Olive oil or coconut oil on steamed veggies
- Fruit by itself
For example, animal foods need an acid environment to fully digest, whereas carbohydrate-rich foods need an alkaline environment to digest. When these foods are eaten together, like a steak and potato kind of meal, the protein and carbohydrates will create a neutral environment where both the protein and carbohydrate will not digest fully or correctly.
Knowing that protein and grain/carbohydrate combinations lead to improper digestion, you can see how lentils and beans get a bad reputation for being hard to digest. This is in part because of some sugars in beans that cause gas. Also present are enzyme inhibitors that prevent the bean from growing into a plant.
Soaking beans, lentils, nuts, and grains overnight, or at least for a few hours, will break down some of the cellulose, deteriorate those gas-causing sugars, and inactivate the enzyme inhibitors, thus improving their digestibility. If you wanted to even further improve their digestibility, sprouting the seeds/grains/legumes for another day or two will initiate the plant’s growth, increasing enzymes and nutrient content.
Improving digestive health is key to any nourishing lifestyle. Look at it this way: 70% of your immune system in your gut and 95% of serotonin produced in your GI tract. The gastrointestinal system clearly plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the body!
Food combining, digestive enzymes, healing the intestinal wall with supportive nutrients, avoiding depleting foods like alcohol and refined sugars, reducing toxin and food allergy exposure, and taking targeted digestive support supplements can transform your body and give you the health and wellness you’ve been looking for.
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