¿Cómo reducir la ansiedad y la adrenalina? Técnica para dormir y bajar el estrés – Tiamina y cafeína.
Nada de lo que está en estas páginas se puede considerar consejos profesionales, para tratar tus síntomas, por favor ir donde un doctor. Leer el descargo de responsabilidad que está abajo.
Google Search: «what are the principal causes of stress in the world?»
Google Search:»what are the principal causes of anxiety in the world?»
Financial Problems
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States. In a 2015 survey, the APA reported that 72% of Americans stressed about money at least some of the time during the previous month.1 The majority of the study participants reported money being a significant source of stress, with 77% feeling considerable anxiety about finances.
Signs of financial stress may include:
- Arguing with loved ones about money
- Being afraid to open mail or answer the phone
- Feeling guilty about spending money on non-essentials
- Worrying and feeling anxious about money
In the long-term, stress related to finances results in distress, which may bring up blood pressure and cause headaches, upset stomach, chest pain, insomnia, and a general feeling of sickness. Financial stress has also been linked to a number of health problems, including depression, anxiety, skin problems, diabetes, and arthritis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans now spend 8% more time at work compared to 20 years ago, and about 13% of people work a second job. At least 40% report their jobs are stressful, and 26% report they often feel burned out by their work.2
Any number of things can contribute to job stress, including too much work, job insecurity, dissatisfaction with a job or career, and conflicts with a boss and/or co-workers.
Whether you are worried about a specific project or feeling unfairly treated, putting your job ahead of everything else can affect many aspects of your life, including personal relationships and mental and physical health.
Factors outside of the job itself also have a role in work stress, including a person’s psychological make-up, general health, personal life. and the amount of emotional support they have outside of work.
The signs of work-related stress can be physical and psychological, including:3
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Heart palpitations
- Mood swings
- Muscle tension and pain
- Stomach problems
Some people may feel overwhelmed and struggle to cope, which can impact their behavior as well. Job stress may prompt people to have:4
- Diminished creativity and initiative
- Disinterest
- Drops in work performance
- Increased sick days
- Isolation
- Lower levels of patience and increased levels of frustration
- Problems with personal relationships
Personal Relationships
There are people in all of our lives that cause us stress. It could be a family member, an intimate partner, friend, or co-worker. Toxic people lurk in all parts of our lives and the stress we experience from these relationships can affect physical and mental health.
There are numerous causes of stress in romantic relationships and when couples are constantly under pressure, the relationship could be on the risk of failure.
Common relationship stressors include:5
- Being too busy to spend time with each other and share responsibilities
- Intimacy and sex are become rare due to busyness, health problems, and any number of other reasons
- There is abuse or control in the relationship
- You and your partner are not communicating
- You and/or partner are consuming too much alcohol and/or using drugs
- You or your partner are thinking about divorce
The signs of stress related to personal relationships are similar to normal symptoms of general stress and may include physical health and sleep problems, depression, and anxiety.
You may also find yourself avoiding or having conflict with the individual, or becoming easily irritated by their presence.
Sometimes, personal relationship stress can also be related to our relationships with people on social media platforms, such as Facebook.6 For example, social media tends to naturally encourage comparing yourself to others, which can lead to the stress of feeling inadequate. It also makes bullying easier.
Parents are often faced with managing busy schedules that include a job, household duties, and raising children. These demands result in parenting stress.
High levels of parenting stress can cause a parent to be harsh, negative, and authoritarian in their interactions with their children. Parenting stress can also decrease the quality of parent-child relationships. For example, you may not have open communication so your child doesn’t come to you for advice or you and your child may argue often.
Sources of parenting stress may include being lower-income, working long hours, single parenting, marital or relationship tensions, or raising a child who has been diagnosed with a behavioral disorder or developmental disability.
Parents of children with behavior disorders and developmental delays have the highest risk for parenting stress. In fact, numerous studies show parents of children with autism are reporting higher levels of parenting stress than people whose children do not have the condition.7
Daily Life and Busyness
Day-to-day stressors are our daily inconveniences. They include things like misplacing keys, running late, and forgetting to bring an important item with you when leaving the house. Usually, these are just minor setbacks, but if they become frequent, they become a source of anxiety affecting physical and/or psychological health.
The stress of being too busy is getting more and more common. These days, people are busier than ever and that adds a lot of stress to their lives.
In some cases, busyness is due to necessity, such as having to work a second job. Other times, it is due to guilt and not wanting to disappoint others. People may not say «no» and end up having little time for themselves, or they overlook their own basic needs, such as eating right and exercising due to lack of time.
What causes stress?
Many things can cause stress. You might feel stressed because of one big event or situation in your life. Or it might be a build-up of lots of smaller things.
This might make it harder for you to identify what’s making you feel stressed, or to explain it to other people.
You may experience stress if you:
- Feel under lots of pressure
- Face big changes in your life
- Are worried about something
- Don’t have much or any control over the outcome of a situation
- Have responsibilities that you find overwhelming
- Don’t have enough work, activities or change in your life
- Experience discrimination, hate or abuse
- Are going through a period of uncertainty
What kind of situations can cause stress?
Many things can cause stress in different areas of our lives. These may include:
- Illness or injury
- Pregnancy and becoming a parent
- Infertility and problems having children
- Bereavement
- Experiencing abuse
- Experiencing crime and the justice system, such as being arrested, going to court or being a witness
- Organising a complicated event, like a holiday
- Everyday tasks, such as household chores or taking transport
Friends and family
- Getting married or civil partnered
- Going through a break-up or getting divorced
- Difficult relationships with parents, siblings, friends or children
- Being a carer
My breakdown […] was due to having a stressful job as a project manager and dealing with a marriage break up and subsequent divorce.
Employment and study
- Losing your job
- Long-term unemployment
- Retiring
- Exams and deadlines
- Difficult situations or colleagues at work
- Starting a new job

Stressed about exams? We have info for young people to help you cope with exam stress at school or college
- Housing problems, such as poor living conditions, lack of security or homelessness
- Moving house
- Problems with neighbours
Social factors
- Having poor access to services such as medical care, green spaces or transport
- Living through a stressful community-wide, national or global event, like the coronavirus pandemic
- Experiencing stigma or discrimination, including racism, homophobia, biphobia or transphobia
Causes of Stress
Everyone has different stress triggers. Work stress tops the list, according to surveys. Forty percent of U.S. workers admit to experiencing office stress, and one-quarter say work is the biggest source of stress in their lives.
- Being unhappy in your job
- Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility
- Working long hours
- Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process
- Working under dangerous conditions
- Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination
- Having to give speeches in front of colleagues
- Facing discrimination or harassment at work, especially if your company isn’t supportive
Life stresses can also have a big impact. Examples of life stresses are:
- The death of a loved one
- Divorce
- Loss of a job
- Increase in financial obligations
- Getting married
- Moving to a new home
- Chronic illness or injury
- Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)
- Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
- Traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, theft, rape, or violence against you or a loved one
Sometimes the stress comes from inside, rather than outside. You can stress yourself out just by worrying about things. All of these factors can lead to stress:
- Fear and uncertainty. When you regularly hear about the threat of terrorist attacks, global warming, and toxic chemicals on the news, it can cause you to feel stressed, especially because you feel like you have no control over those events. And even though disasters are typically very rare events, their vivid coverage in the media may make them seem as if they are more likely to occur than they really are. Fears can also hit closer to home, such as being worried that you won’t finish a project at work or won’t have enough money to pay your bills this month.
- Attitudes and perceptions. How you view the world or a particular situation can determine whether it causes stress. For example, if your television set is stolen and you take the attitude, «It’s OK, my insurance company will pay for a new one,» you’ll be far less stressed than if you think, «My TV is gone and I’ll never get it back! What if the thieves come back to my house to steal again?» Similarly, people who feel like they’re doing a good job at work will be less stressed out by a big upcoming project than those who worry that they are incompetent.
- Unrealistic expectations. No one is perfect. If you expect to do everything right all the time, you’re destined to feel stressed when things don’t go as expected.
- Change. Any major life change can be stressful — even a happy event like a wedding or a job promotion. More unpleasant events, such as a divorce, major financial setback, or death in the family can be significant sources of stress.
Your stress level will differ based on your personality and how you respond to situations. Some people let everything roll off their back. To them, work stresses and life stresses are just minor bumps in the road. Others literally worry themselves sick.
Past or childhood experiences
Difficult experiences in childhood, adolescence or adulthood are a common trigger for anxiety problems. Going through stress and trauma when you’re very young is likely to have a particularly big impact. Experiences which can trigger anxiety problems include things like:
- physical or emotional abuse
- neglect
- losing a parent
- being bullied or being socially excluded
- experiencing racism.
Having parents who don’t treat you warmly or are overprotective can also be a factor.
I was sent to boarding school and suffered acute separation anxiety, being away from home, and my brother nearly died when I was 12. My mum had an acute breakdown for a period of about a year and had to be home-nursed.
Your current life situation
Current problems in your life can also trigger anxiety. For example:
- exhaustion or a build-up of stress
- lots of change or uncertainty
- feeling under pressure while studying or in work
- long working hours
- being out of work
- money problems
- housing problems and homelessness
- worrying about the environment or natural disasters (sometimes called climate anxiety or eco-anxiety)
- losing someone close to you (sometimes called bereavement)
- feeling lonely or isolated
- being abused, bullied or harassed, including experiencing racism.
Big changes to your day-to-day life can be a particular trigger for anxiety, so you may find that you’ve experienced anxiety problems during the coronavirus pandemic. For information on how coronavirus may have affected your mental health and what could help see our coronavirus and mental health pages.

I have recently realised that I spend money when anxious, which in turn makes me feel anxious about how much I’m spending.
Physical or mental health problems
Other health problems can sometimes cause anxiety, or might make it worse. For example:
- Physical health problems – living with a serious, ongoing or life-threatening physical health condition can sometimes trigger anxiety.
- Other mental health problems – it’s also common to develop anxiety while living with other mental health problems, such as depression.
Drugs and medication
Anxiety can sometimes be a side effect of taking:
- some psychiatric medications
- some medications for physical health problems
- recreational drugs and alcohol.
- Panic disorder: In addition to anxiety, common symptoms of panic disorders are palpitations (feeling your heartbeat), dizziness, and shortness of breath. These same symptoms also can be caused by coffee (caffeine), amphetamines («speed» is the street slang for amphetamines when they are not prescribed by a doctor), other stimulants such as cocaine, an overactive thyroid, abnormal heart rhythms, and other heart abnormalities (such as mitral valve prolapse).
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Phobic disorders
- Stress disorders
- Stress at work
- Stress from school
- Stress in a personal relationship such as marriage
- Financial stress
- Stress from global occurrences or political issues
- Stress from unpredictable or uncertain world events, like a pandemic
- Stress from an emotional trauma such as the death of a loved one
- Stress from a serious medical illness
Other outside factors that can cause anxiety:
- Medication side effects
- Use of an illicit drug, such as cocaine
- Symptoms of a medical illness (such as heart attack, heat stroke, hypoglycemia)
- Lack of oxygen in circumstances as diverse as high altitude sickness, emphysema, or pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the vessels of the lung)
The doctor has the often-difficult task of determining which symptoms come from which causes. For example, in a study of people with chest pain — a sign of heart disease — 43% were found to have a panic disorder, not a heart-related condition.
Social isolation
Individuals who experience social isolation or loneliness often have a reduced quantity or quality of social contacts compared to those who report positive social relationships. Social isolation can lead to difficulty initiating social interactions with others, often leading to feelings of rejection and insecurity.
Similarly, loneliness can lead to negative self-evaluation and feelings of inadequacy, further heightening an anxiety response.ix While anyone can experience loneliness, certain risk factors increase our chances of severe and lasting loneliness that can affect our mental health and sometimes increase our levels of anxiety. These include:x
- Death of a partner
- Being single
- Being unemployed
- Living alone
- Having a long-term health condition or disability
- Being between 16 and 24 years old
- Being a carer
- Being from a minority ethnic community
- Being LGBTQ+
Childhood trauma
Childhood trauma such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, or neglect, can cause long-lasting effects on a person’s mental health. Experiencing childhood trauma can predispose people to developing anxiety. This can be due to changes in brain development affecting our fight or flight response, memory, and emotion regulation.
Childhood trauma can also lead to negative beliefs about oneself or the world, making it more difficult to manage stressful situations and increasing the likelihood of developing anxiety.
Negative life events
Negative life events can also contribute to anxiety. These are events that cause a significant emotional impact and disrupt our sense of security or well-being.
Examples of negative life events that can, for some people, lead to anxiety include:
- Divorce or the end of a significant relationship which can leave a person feeling vulnerable and anxious.
- Experience of abuse or domestic violence which can result in living with intimidation and fear in your own home (which should be a safe space).
- Exposure to a stressful work, education, or community environment – for example, experiencing bullying, harassment, or discrimination in any of these environments which can lead to ongoing anxiety (in particular for women and marginalised communities).
- A car accident, physical assault, or other traumatic events which can trigger anxiety symptoms such as panic attacks, flashbacks, or avoidance behaviours.
- Job insecurity or an excessive workload which can also increase anxiety levels.
- Financial strain which can cause feelings of anxiety and worry. Experiencing financial issues (for example, being made redundant, living on benefits, or struggling with debt) has been known to be associated with the presence of depression and/or anxiety.xi
Societal pressures
Societal pressures can contribute to feelings of stress or anxiety, as people feel the need to meet cultural or societal expectations, standards, or norms.xiii For example, the idealisation of a ‘perfect’ body can lead to body dissatisfaction and anxiety about physical appearance.xiv The pressure to be successful, achieve high grades, or excel in your career can also lead to anxiety about performance and fear of failure.
Gender and expectations can lead to feelings of anxiety or depression, particularly for those who don’t hold specific gender roles. In addition, those who identify as LGBTQ+ are around twice as likely to report symptoms of poor mental health (i.e. anxiety, depression) than heterosexual adults.xv Although LGBTQ+ people represent only a small proportion of the total youth population, they are at increased risk of experiencing hostile environments at home and in wider society and are also subject to direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, and inequality, with detrimental consequences for their mental health.xvi
Societal pressures can also be gendered. Society has different expectations of men and of women as to how they express their emotions. Men are often socialised to suppress their emotions and hide their vulnerability. This can make it more difficult for men to recognise and seek help for anxiety, leading to a higher prevalence of undiagnosed or untreated anxiety among men.
Financial status. Society’s expectation to achieve significant milestones and acquire certain goods or services may lead to feelings of inadequacy or anxiety about financial status.
Lack of access to mental health resources and support
Many different factors can lead to unequal access to mental health resources and support. Some common barriers include waiting times, transport, education and literacy, language or cultural barriers, stigma and discrimination. When people are unable to access the right support at the right time, this can cause anxiety to worsen.
Hacer prueba para ver los niveles de neurotransmisores.
Invertir en un programa del Dr. D. LeGrand Peterson, que es con un doctor que tiene ADD, y lo primero que hace es evaluar los niveles de neurotransmisores para después ver qué les da a las personas que tienen déficit de atención y hiperactividad.
Probar Fórmula Dormir:
- Meditar.
- Mendi.
- Journal + Neurocycle.
- Foco en la barriga.
- Comedia Seinfeld imitando, y comer maní.
- Te de manzanilla.
- Te de cedrón.
- Te de hierba luisa.
- Te de toronjil con valeriana.
- Miel de cúrcuma.
- Magnesium taurate – 125 mg.
- Centella asiática.
- L-tiamina.
- CBD – aceite de cannabis.
- Aceite esencial de lavanda.
- 5 HTP.
- California Poppy.
- Rescue sleep – flores de Bach.
- Rescue stress releif – flores de Bach.
- Melatonia.
- Gaba en polvo.
- Magnolia Bark extract 4:1.
- Valeriana(con toronjil y hierba luisa).
- Hops flower.
- Magnesio.
- Calcio.
Otras pastillas.
Saint Johns Wort.
Palo Santo aceite esencial.
Nervoheel pastillas.
Medicamento útil en el tratamiento de los síntomas asociados a trastornos nerviosos, tales como: intranquilidad, insomnio, estados de desánimo, irritabilidad, etc.
Medicamento útil como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de trastornos del sueño y en estados nerviosos leves a moderados en mayores de 12 años.
Google: «how to reduce adrenaline».
Google: «how to reduce anxiety».
Donna Eden:
1. Mano derecha en trapecio izquierdo, pasar de un lado para otro lado(a la cadera derecha). Mano izquierda en trapecio derecho, pasar de un lado para otro lado, a la caldera izquierda.
2. Mano adelante y mano atrás en la cabeza.
3. Dedos de las 2 manos en la frente, en el centro, y pasar a las orejas.
Bedoyecta: Vitaminas B12, B6, B1.
Dolo-Neurobión: B12, B6, B1. Clorhidrato de Lidocaína, Diclofenato sódico.
Dolo-Neurobión tiene 2 componentes más para aliviar dolores musculares.