Brian Besco – Ring – Anillo.
Creando el anillo tensor.
The Cubit we are interested in is the Royal Cubit (52.5 cm), which was the length used in the first working Tensor Ring. According to Hans Becker, “theresonant frequency of the Royalor Sacred cubit is 144,000 Hz—a harmonic of the speed of light.”
Slim and Hans Becker eventually identified another cubit length, 23.49 inches (59.69 cm). They referred to this as the Lost Cubit because it appeared that it may have been intentionally left out of many ancient, written records. While rings made usingthe (Royal) Cubit length resonate at 144 MHz. Rings made using the Lost Cubit length resonatesat a higher frequency of 177 MHz.”
Through observation, it has been determinedthat a1/8, 1/2, 1½, 2, and 3½ Cubit lengthtwisted wire also produce working Tensor Rings. The ½ Cubit Spurling Ring (26.25cm) still emits the same 144 MHz as thefull Cubit length of 52.5 cmaccording to measurements taken by Hans Becker.
Tensor Rings
144 MHZ Cubit~aka Sacred or Royal Cubit. Comes from the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Slim Spurling's Cubit. Known for its work in the Physical. 20.63 inches ~ 52.4 cm 177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. Discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling. This Cubit length was created out of a mathematical formula. The 177 MHz Tensor Field is known for its connection with the Etheric and Emotional bodies. 23.49 inches ~ 59.67 cm 188 MHZ Cubit~ Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. Resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Brought to us by a Master Dowser. Was also given to Slim Spurling before he passed; his widow calls it the Empowerment Cubit. 28.85748 inches ~ 73.3 cm 333 MHZ Cubit~ Changes the color of sound and works well with Sound Healing. Brought in by a Master Dowser. It seems it may have a relation to King Solomon's Temple. Works as a Straight Line Cubit. 39.3131568 inches ~ 99.8554 cm 764 MHZ Cubit~ One side of the 27" Ring has a Black Whole, or absence of energy, while the other side creates a tornado style field. The tornado field always travels toward magnetic North. You can change the "polarity" if the output simply by intention. Possible uses of teleportation and tornado wrestling. Pulls in and transmutes dense energy. Brought in by a Master Dowser. 77.55836 inches ~ 196.9982344 cm
Tensor Rings can utilize Cubit fractions and combinations of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2
Straight Line Cubits
These Cubits can be utilized
in fractions of 1/3, such as
1/3, 2/3, 1, 1-1/3, etc.
Sacred Cubit– 25.025” or 63.520 cm
1/3 of this length (21 cm) produces
the sine wave of the frequency
of the hydrogen atom.
Black Cubit– 21.352” or 54.153 cm
Both Cubits above are used in ourKeys and Starbursts, and work similar to Tensor Fields in their
elctro- and geo- magnetic restructuring.
Remen Cubit– 14.583” or 37.441 cm
This is the Cubit Bill Reid uses in his version of the Starburst design
Doug Benjamins discoveries of these three Straight Line Cubits
333 MHZ Cubit-
39.3131568" or 99.8554 cm
Works as both a Tensor Ring and Straight Lined Cubit
Standard Teotihuacan Unit-
see the Templates page for the measurements to both
the Balance and Harmony
the Galactic Ascension Rings
Twistedsage Studios
PO Box 101 Buffalo Gap SD 57722 us
Galactic Cubit~ Two dowsers connect to Source and ask for a Cubit length they could use- they received something that works unlike any other Tensor Ring. The Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with all of the Soul’s Aspect. At each twist you will find a Tube Torus. Each individual tube torus pulls in positive and negative energy, sending it out as a non-dualistic energy ~ a whole and complete energy. These tiny toroids also act as DNA scrubbers. Soul is the consciousness that is in control of frequencies and Light that come through the ring.
61.8728 cm
This Ring prefers a looser twist than the standard Rings.
The Galactic Cubit measure is the basis to the Ascension Ring.
Standard Teotihuacan Unit (STU)- There is much information about this cubit measure: where it came from, the creation of the etheric template, and what it can do. The Balance and Harmony Ring is the result. Here are the details.
The Rings cut from this Cubit can be used in 1/4, 1/2, etc., just as standard Tensor Rings,
as well as in the 1/3 increments to create a working Ring.
41.7086614″ or 105.94 cm
This Cubit can be used in creating Straight-Line frequencies.
Galactic Cubit~ Two dowsers connect to Source and ask for a Cubit length they could use- they received something that works unlike any other Tensor Ring. The Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with all of the Soul’s Aspect. At each twist you will find a Tube Torus. Each individual tube torus pulls in positive and negative energy, sending it out as a non-dualistic energy ~ a whole and complete energy. These tiny toroids also act as DNA scrubbers. Soul is the consciousness that is in control of frequencies and Light that come through the ring.
61.8728 cm
This Ring prefers a looser twist than the standard Rings.
The Galactic Cubit measure is the basis to the Ascension Ring.
Standard Teotihuacan Unit (STU)- There is much information about this cubit measure: where it came from, the creation of the etheric template, and what it can do. The Balance and Harmony Ring is the result. Here are the details.
The Rings cut from this Cubit can be used in 1/4, 1/2, etc., just as standard Tensor Rings,
as well as in the 1/3 increments to create a working Ring.
41.7086614″ or 105.94 cm
This Cubit can be used in creating Straight-Line frequencies.