BrainGym – Neurofeedback – Dr. Trish Leigh.

BrainGym, te recomendamos usar la Muse head band 2, para hacer un entrenamiento con neurofeedback con un solo protocolo. Si quieres después ir al siguiente nivel, puedes venir a entrenar con nosotros. Puedes usar otro tipos de tecnologías como Mendi.

¿Puedes obtener los mismos resultados? No, sin embargo, es muy util que tenga estas tecnologías.

Tagline, o slogan: Controla tu cerebro, o tu cerebro te controla a ti.

El Neurofeedback es como tener a un profesor al lado tuyo enseñándote a tocar el piano, imagínate tratar de aprender a tocar música. Cuando aprendes a meditar sin tecnología, es como aprender a tocar el piano solo, sin nadie, y tratar de aprender a sacar una canción bonita solo, tratando de sacar melodías. Con la tecnología, es como aprender a tocar piano con un profesor que te dice exáctamente lo que tienes que hacer para poder aprender, así aprendes mucho más rápido, cada vez que haces algo mal, el profesor te ayuda a corregir, y te da retroalimentación inmediatamente. Así es como funciona el nuerofeedback, cuando generas las ondas correctas en el tiempo correcto, el neurofeedback te premia, y cuando no generas las ondas correctas, el neurofeedback no te premia.

Es excelente hacer ayunos de dopamina, para no hacer nada, y resetear los neurotransmisores de tu cerebro.

Controla tu cerebro, o tu cerebro te va a controlar a ti.

A Proven “3×3 Approach” for Lasting Success

Our approach integrates the three crucial aspects in three fundamental areas for long-term lasting success. We call it a “3×3” method to control your brain.

We help you:
(1) un-wire, re-wire, and hard-wire your brain to integrate
(2) your mind, body, and spirit
(3) through resolving the past, rebooting the present, and setting aim toward the future.

You will learn theory and practical actions steps to take immediately. This comprehensive approach will help you decrease anxiety, increase focus and create a life you love so much you won’t want to escape into addictions ever again. By doing this, you will heal your brain and get your life on track. The best part is that it is all proven effective by neuroscience.

Un-Wire / Re-Wire / Hard-Wire

Our method addresses the root causes of your challenges with anxiety, attention, and addiction.

Un-Wire the Past

First, you will un-wire the rigid brain pattern that you are stuck in from past traumas and experiences. This brain pattern perpetuates anxiety and lack of focus. Once healed, it is easier to makes changes to improve your life.

Re-Wire in the Present

With greater neuroplasticity in your brain, it becomes easier to change and improve. We use a top-down / bottom-up approach to re-wire your brain to work better, helping you feel and perform better, too.

Brain training with state-of-the-art technology re-wires your brain from the top down, for calm, focused joy in the present. Rebooting your routines, habits, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors continually re-wires your brain,
from the bottom up, to stay healthy.

This makes it easier & faster to relax, focus, and engage in new, fantastic ways.

Hard-Wire for the Future

Setting goals, improving personality type, and establishing a lifestyle that facilitates healthy brain use ensures future success and staying on purpose in your life.

Excelente video de cómo funciona el neurofeedback, las ondas cerebrales, las tasas entre Theta y Beta, etc. Ver de nuevo, 26 minutos. Brain Mapping and Neurofeedback – Can I Do It From Home?

Instagram de leighbrainspine, para ver ejemplos del marketing que hacen:

Canal de youtube de Dr. Trish Leigh. $3200, 4 meses, con muse head band, brian shift program. Me parece excelente, mejor que myndlift.  $49  $200  $79 por mes.

Monthly Clinical Neurofeedback Workshops $79 per month (cancel any time)

Read qEEG Brain Maps & Neurofeedback Trend Screens Short Course $599

Neurofeedback Experts Complete Business Development Workshop / Learn the fundamentals of everything you need to become an expert in your Neurofeedback practice. / $4499

Video 3 minutos, Brain Shift Home Neurofeedback

Video 2 minutos, Home Brain 🧠 Map. How It Works.

Video 1 minuto, How Home Neurofeedback Works: Webinar Invitation

Do nothing to train your brain. Monday motivation with Dr. Trish Leigh.

Self Brain Training: How It Works // con la muse head band.

Unwire, Rewire, and Hardwire Your Brain to Create The Life You Love

How to Re-Wire Your Brain to Get Rid of Anxiety

How Neurofeedback Brain Training Improves Anxiety and Offsets Electronic use.

Learn to train Your Brain & Why You Would Want to.

Want to Improve Focus and Anxiety? Do this!

Personal Brain 🧠 Training & Coaching: How It Works & Why It’s Different Than Anything You’ve Tried

How Home Neurofeedback Works: Webinar Invitation

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