BrainGym – Mind Oasis – tDCS, CES y MET(Microcurrent Electrical Therapy).

NeuroMyst small electrodes.

Small tDCS Electrodes

Descargo de responsabilidad. Nada de lo que está en la página de Pueblo Consciente se puede considerar consejo médico. Siempre utiliza cualquier tecnología o cualquier cosa que no tengas experiencia con un profesional.

La mayoría de los estudios de TDCs y de tASC y las otras tecnologías son de menos de 60 minutos por razones prácticas. Sin embargo, esta puede ser una regla flexible porque 90 minutos o 120 minutos no necesariamente son inseguros. De hecho, muchos usuarios de estas tecnologías ocasionalmente lo utilizan durante horas cuando están probando cosas nuevas y haciendo experimentos. La regla de utilizar 60 minutos al día es más para estar seguros en caso de que seas sensible a la estimulación electrónica en el cerebro. Además, los científicos son cuidadosos en no afirmar que algo es seguro hasta que haya sido probado directamente.

Hay pocos estudios sobre la estimulación transcraneal con corriente directa (tDCS, por sus siglas en inglés) para el sueño, ya que el sueño es más un estado rítmico en el cerebro y conocemos los ritmos que están relacionados con un buen sueño. Por lo tanto, la estimulación transcraneal con corriente alterna (tACS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una opción natural para modular el sueño.

La tDCS puede tener efectos indirectos en el sueño al reducir la ansiedad y el estado de ánimo negativo.

The effects of repeated transcranial direct current stimulation on sleep quality and depression symptoms in patients with major depression and insomnia.

Una vez que conozcas los nombres del montaje, puedes usar las imágenes del cerebro con la respectiva codificación, para identificar dónde colocar los electrodos.

  • La corteza prefrontal dorsolateral estará en, DLPC(dorso lateral prefrontal cortex) es la  F3 y F4.
  • La corteza orbitofrontal (orbitofrontal cortex) en Fp1 y Fp2.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Systematic Review

Kelly Roman demonstrates the Fisher Wallace Stimulator on Peter Rojas

New Technologies for the Treatment of Mental Health | Chip Fisher | TEDxBeaconStreet

Oasis Pro

The OASIS Pro is an innovative, high-quality Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) device that applies a small pulsed electric current across the head. This small electrical stimulus which is applied laterally across the head promotes good mental health and wellness. The Oasis Pro may be used while you are sitting, lying down or engaged in quiet, non-hazardous activities.

The OASIS Pro uses a rounded pulse instead of a square wave which typically is used in CES stimulation. Unfortunately, square waves sting the ears or body part where the electrodes are attached. By rounding the leading edge of a pulse, over 80% of the sting is removed.

It has been shown that if the frequency of a CES session is randomized, the effect is significantly improved over that of a fixed frequency as randomization reduces habituation. The OASIS Pro offers two types of randomization: phase-shifted randomization and frequency randomization.

The OASIS Pro sessions stimulate within the brain wave range. This makes use of the entrainment effect.

OASIS Pro Session Frequency Range

• Microcurrent Electrical Therapy 0.5 – 3 Hz, short pulses
• Sub-Delta 0.5 – 3 Hz, 50% duty cycle pulses
• Delta 2.5 – 5 Hz
• Theta 6 – 8 Hz
• Alpha 9 – 11 Hz
• Beta 1 12 – 15 Hz
• Beta 2 18 – 22 Hz
• 100 Hz
Each session can be set for 20 minutes, 45 minutes or three hours.

(gamma sessions below)

About Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES)

Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) was developed in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s to help with sleep problems and has since been used by millions of people all over the world.

Over 200 studies to date have shown that CES increases the calming type of neurotransmitters within the brain, namely serotonin and endorphins. Clinical research over the past 50 years has shown that CES calms the mind, boosts relaxation, helps with sleep and improves mental sharpness and ability in general. CES is particularly useful in producing calm in situations like being at the dentist, while writing exams or struggling with the fast pace of work or school. CES also settles body discomfort.

About Microcurrent Electro Therapy (MET)

Although electro-medicine has been in existence for well over a thousand years, developments in electronics and new research has seen this technology grow at a terrific rate in recent years. Microcurrent Electro Therapy (MET) is very different than traditional TENS because MET produces its benefits in part on a cellular level. MET has longer-lasting effects than TENS. The concept of MET is based, in part, on Arndt’s Law, which states that weak stimuli excite physiological activity, whereas medium-strength stimuli will encourage it and strong stimuli will suppress it. It is believed that MET delivered at around 500 micro-amps in the 0.5 to 3 Hz range may be most effective for treating aches and discomfort.

About Transcranial DC Stimulation (tDCS)

When a DC current is applied over the scalp with the intention of altering neuronal activity, it is known as transcranial DC stimulation. tDCS is effective in modulating spontaneous neuronal firing. tDCS at intensities of 1 milliamp applied for roughly 20 minutes has been shown to either excite or inhibit the sensorimotor cortex, with the effects lasting over an hour. Excitation is achieved by anodal (+) stimulation, while inhibition is achieved by cathodal (-) stimulation. Anodal stimulation has also been shown to increase both beta and gamma activity in the visual cortex, while cathodal stimulation has decreased beta and gamma activity. Stimulation is generated by putting a wet cloth, cotton ball, or sponge on the scalp over the brain region to be treated and a sponge or cotton ball on the shoulder or the face. The tDCS sessions deliver a maximum intensity of 2.2 milliamps at DC. tDCS is being used to help with many conditions, including improving mood.

The gamma brainwave frequency band is defined as being approximately between 30 to 100 Hz, with 40 Hz being of particular significance, as 40 Hz appears to be the brain’s master clock frequency and other rhythms, especially theta, modulate into 40 Hz. Gamma activity is largely a product of glia cell activity.

Gamma brainwaves help with attention, focus, binding of senses (smell, sight, and hearing), consciousness, mental processing, and perception. The visual system relies heavily on gamma brainwave activity. The ability to recognize novel objects against a background of similar objects is due to gamma activity. So, something as simple as driving a car would be difficult if it were not for gamma. It has been found that gamma activity increases in the brain area related to the task being performed.

Mismatches in gamma/theta modulation, called thalamocortical dysrhythmia, are found to be associated with poor memory, tinnitus, and chronic pain.

The gamma session set is made up of two sessions:

  1. Gamma β2 20 min
    38 – 42 Hz Randomized2. Gamma β2 3 hrs
    38 – 42 Randomized

Oasis Pro Explainer Video $450.

  • Improve your mood, sleep, and stress levels
  • Promotes calm, relaxed and alert states-of-mind
  • Most Affordable CES devices on the market
  • No prescription required

The DAVID Oasis Pro Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) device uses low-level electrical current to boost mood, improve sleep, reduce stress and improve mental sharpness.

Hundreds of studies have shown that CES increases the calming type of neurotransmitters in the brain, namely serotonin and endorphins. Clinical research has shown that CES calms the mind, boosts relaxation, helps with sleep and improves mental sharpness and ability in general.

CES is the therapeutic use of small, pulsed electric current of less than one-half milliampere, introduced gently to the brain via earclip electrodes.

By changing the electrical activity of certain nerve cells in the brainstem, CES appears to amplify activity in some neurological systems, and decrease activity in others. This neurological fine tuning is called modulation, and occurs either as a result of, or together with the production of an electrical activity pattern in the brain known as alpha state which can be measured on an EEG. Alpha state is associated with feelings of calmness, relaxation and increased mental focus.

How it works:

By changing the electrical and chemical activity of certain nerve cells in the brain stem, CES appears to amplify activity in some neurological systems, and diminish activity in others. This neurological ‘fine tuning’ is called modulation, and occurs either as a result of, or together with the production of a certain type of electrical activity pattern in the brain known as an alpha state which can be measured on brain wave recordings called electroencephalograms (EEG). Such alpha rhythms are accompanied by feelings of calmness, relaxation and increased mental focus.

The neurological mechanisms that are occurring during the alpha state appear to decrease stress-effects, reduce agitation and stabilize mood, and regulate both sensations and perceptions of particular types of pain. These effects can be produced after a single treatment, and repeated treatments have been shown to increase the relative strength and duration of these effects. In some cases, effects have been stable and permanent, suggesting that the electrical and chemical changes evoked by CES have led to a durable re-tuning back to normal function.

Oasis Pro User Manual

David Devices Comparison Chart

Operator’s Manual

Personal Profile Questionnaire

Canal de youtube de Mind Alive.

TDCS Explainer Video

CES Physiology & Clinical Applications

Oasis Pro Explainer Video

Transcranial DC Stimulation: Physiology and Clinical Applications

Transcranial DC Stimulation History, Physiology & Clinical Applications



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