BrainGym – Ayuda a aumentar tu Riqueza aumentando tu Inteligencia Emocional y tu Coeficiente Intelectual.

Aumenta tu creatividad, más creatividad, más riqueza.



Your Wealth And Your Brain Waves by Dr. James V. Hardt.
When you change your brain waves, you will change your life.

At one time, I had a man come for Alpha brain
wave training who’s Frontal [F3 and F4] EEG Alpha brain waves were much larger than his Occipital [O1
and O2] EEG Alpha. This is unusual, because about 80% of the people seen in Biocybernaut Institute
brain wave training programs have their biggest Alpha at their Occipital head sites, at the back of their
heads. So I said to this man, “You would make a great Strategic Planner.” Whereupon he smiled and
happily announced, “That’s my job.” He was thus revealed to have type-cast himself into a role, and
into a high-paying career, that was actually enabled by his highly unusual brain waves.

He had a huge salary because he was a gifted and highly creative Strategic Planner. This man’ wealth
depended upon his highly unusual brain wave patterns: very big Frontal EEG Alpha [F3 and F4].

If he had gone to one of those brain wave training processes where they compare you to a normative
data base and then train out of you anything that differs from the average, he would have been
deprived of his amazing [and unusual] money-making brain waves. His big Frontal Alpha would have
been considered abnormal, deviant and worthy of being suppressed. Training people toward a
normative data base runs the serious risk of making “C-students” out of gifted people.

Why did I suggest that he would make a great Strategic Planner? Two reasons:
1] The Frontal lobes are considered the Association Cortex, where the brain makes associations and can
do projections of current data into hypothetical future possibilities.
2] Large Alpha waves enable and convey creativity (1)
i.pdf?t=1497988005917 ] so someone with large Alpha waves in the Frontal Cortex would be able to
make very creative associations and projections. This would enable him to function as a high level
Strategic Planner, where his high-paying job would continually require him to make creative associations
and projections from whatever data was placed in front of him, by life and by his employer.
This is just one specific example of how a man’s great material Wealth was determined by his Brain

If you would like to apply the Biocybernaut Science of Brain Wave Feedback Training to your life and to
your career and to your wealth, there are many ways to do this. Of course, you already know that your
IQ, your intelligence quotient, helps to determine your earning potential and your wealth. And the first
week of the Biocybernaut Alpha Training (Alpha One) has been shown to increase IQ by an average of
11.7 points (2).

1] The Frontal lobes are considered the Association Cortex, where the brain makes associations and can
do projections of current data into hypothetical future possibilities.
2] Large Alpha waves enable and convey creativity (1)
i.pdf?t=1497988005917 ] so someone with large Alpha waves in the Frontal Cortex would be able to
make very creative associations and projections. This would enable him to function as a high level
Strategic Planner, where his high-paying job would continually require him to make creative associations
and projections from whatever data was placed in front of him, by life and by his employer.
This is just one specific example of how a man’s great material Wealth was determined by his Brain
If you would like to apply the Biocybernaut Science of Brain Wave Feedback Training to your life and to
your career and to your wealth, there are many ways to do this. Of course, you already know that your
IQ, your intelligence quotient, helps to determine your earning potential and your wealth. And the first
week of the Biocybernaut Alpha Training (Alpha One) has been shown to increase IQ by an average of
11.7 points (2).
However, you may not know that there is an even more powerful factor in determining your wealth and
your success in life than your IQ. This more powerful factor is your EQ, your Emotional Intelligence.
A book by Dr. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves, titled Emotional Intelligence 2.0, (3) reveals that 90%
of high performers are also high in EQ, Emotional Intelligence. Couple this with the fact that people with
average IQ [ordinary Smarts] outperform those with high IQ’s 70% of the time, and you suddenly realize
that having higher EQ (Emotional Intelligence) has much more to do with your earning power and your
wealth than does your IQ, the traditional measure of intelligence.

The benefits of increasing EQ have actually been quantified by Dr. Bradberry and Ms. Greaves. They say
on page 21 of their book, “The link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every one point increase in
EQ adds $1,300 to an annual salary. These findings hold true for people in all industries, at all levels, in
every region of the world. We haven’t been able to find a job in which performance and pay aren’t tied
closely to EQ.”

The really good news is that with just a one-week process you can dramatically increase your EQ and
thus your wealth-building power. The Alpha One brain wave training at Biocybernaut Institute increases
your EQ. Males doing the Alpha One brain wave training increase their EQ by 12.3 points for an annual
anticipated annual salary gain of $15,990. The EQ gain for Females from the Biocybernaut Alpha One
brain wave training is 9.7 points for an anticipated annual salary gain of $12,610. It could be that
females start higher in EQ, and this is a topic for further research. Both Males and Females benefit
financially from increasing their EQ’s and the Biocybernaut Alpha One training demonstrably increases
EQ scores for both Men and Women. And these INCREASES in EQ that translate into higher earnings,
more money for you, more wealth power.
So, is there a link between your Financial Wealth and your Brain Waves? Clearly Brain Waves
Based on the existing research on EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and Biocybernaut Alpha Brain Wave
training, a man’s expected earnings in the 20 years after his Alpha One training are $319,800 more than
if he had not taken the Biocybernaut Alpha One training. And a woman’s expected earnings in the 20
years after her Alpha One training are $252,200 more than if she had not taken the Biocybernaut Alpha
One training. Remember that both men and women increase their EQ in the Biocybernaut Alpha
training and these INCREASES in EQ translate into higher earnings, more money, more financial wealth.

Based on the existing research on EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and Biocybernaut Alpha Brain Wave
training, a man’s expected earnings in the 20 years after his Alpha One training are $319,800 more than
if he had not taken the Biocybernaut Alpha One training. And a woman’s expected earnings in the 20
years after her Alpha One training are $252,200 more than if she had not taken the Biocybernaut Alpha
One training. Remember that both men and women increase their EQ in the Biocybernaut Alpha
training and these INCREASES in EQ translate into higher earnings, more money, more financial wealth.
It is remarkable that a one-week training program can increase an average person’s earning power by
more than a quarter million dollars over the next 20 years compared to if they had NOT taken that
training program?
Now that you have learned this new information that is directly related to your financial wealth building
potential, let us review just a bit more of the science on EQ,- Emotional Intelligence.
The following remarkable information involves direct quotes from the 2009 book Emotional Intelligence
2.0, by Dr. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.
“People with the highest levels of intelligence (IQ) outperform those with average IQs just 20 percent of
the time. While people with average IQs outperform those with high IQs 70 percent of the time. This
anomaly threw a massive wrench into what many people had always assumed was the source of success
– IQ. Scientists realized there must be another variable that explained success above and beyond one’s
IQ, and years of research pointed to Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as the critical factor.”
“EQ has been tested alongside 33 other important skills and found that it subsumes the majority of
them, including time management, decision-making and communication. Your EQ is the foundation for
a host of critical skills – it impacts most everything you say and do each day.”

“EQ is so critical to success that it accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs. It is THE SINGLE
BIGGEST PREDICTOR OF PERFORMANCE in the workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and
personal excellence.”
“90 percent of high performers are also high in EQ. On the flip side, just 20 percent of low performers
are high in EQ. Chances are slim that you could be a high performer without high EQ.”
“The link between EQ and Earnings is so direct, that every (one) point increase in EQ adds $1,300 to an
annual salary. These findings hold true for people in all industries, at all levels, in every region of the
world. We haven’t been able to find a job in which performance and pay aren’t tied closely to EQ.”

The Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, Ltd. has conducted research into the social and economic benefits
of the Biocybernaut Alpha One training with populations that include Canadian Aboriginal peoples.
Many of these people were in low economic brackets living in remote areas on reservations and they
trained on scholarships. Then they were studied 6 months after their Alpha training. Amazingly, in just
6 months, 71% had dramatically improved economic circumstances with more income, more savings
and less debt. Details on this important study can be found in a newly published research study (4),
Alpha Brain-Wave Neurofeedback: Social and Economic Impact on Community, Propagation of Benefits
Beyond Those Trained.
As Dr. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves declared in their book (3), “The link between EQ and Earnings
is so direct, that every (one) point increase in EQ adds $1,300 to an annual salary. These findings hold
true for people in all industries, at all levels, in every region of the world. We haven’t been able to find a
job in which performance and pay aren’t tied closely to EQ.” The research done at Biocybernaut
Institute of Canada has confirmed the economic benefits of the Biocybernaut Alpha One training, and
now we can understand more of the reasons of why there are these impressive gains in wealth and
earning power. There are big increases in EQ,- Emotional Intelligence, from the Biocybernaut Alpha One

Of course, personal relationships also benefit from increases in EQ as one’s wife, husband, boyfriend,
girlfriend, relatives, neighbors, friends, etc. are suddenly more aware that you are more aware of your
own feelings and that you are suddenly much more able to control your own emotions and feelings.
They also welcome the new you that is also more aware of their feelings, so you can relate to them
more lovingly, more wisely and more effectively.
There are many other areas of wealth that are directly related to your brain waves and your ability to
voluntarily control your own brain waves.
A wealth of Athletic prowess has been shown by Allman (5) to depend critically upon the athlete’s
ability to summon up increases of Alpha waves just before a shot, and if they do, then that shot is one of
their best shots. Alpha waves cannot be accurately measured during movement, but in some sports the
athlete is motionless before the shot: Golfers putting, Archers and pistol and rifle Marksmen before
they shoot, Basketball players at free throw, etc. In all of these sports brain waves have been measured
and it was found that if there was a big burst of Alpha waves just before the shot, then that would be
one of the best shots.
A wealth of creative ability has been shown to depend critically on the person’s ability to turn on
large bursts of Alpha waves when faced with a problem to solve (1). The creative process has four
[1.] Application (learning the information and problems in a field),
[2.] Incubation (letting acquired knowledge gel, brewing, meditating on the problem),
[3.] Inspiration (flash of insight, creative synthesis, ‘Aha’ experience), and
[4.] Elaboration (polishing, evaluating and testing).
The Alpha feedback training is most relevant to the Incubation and Inspiration stages of the creative
process. Martindale and his associates have provided enlightening background reports (1973, 1977,
1978, 1984) on the brain waves that are related to creativity. His background reports show that highly
creative subjects differ from normal subjects in their EEG Alpha activity. When told to rest (baselines),
the minds of creative subjects remained activated. They showed slightly less Alpha than non creative
subjects, who relaxed and deactivated, at rest. However, when given creative problems to solve,
creative subjects shifted into high Alpha to solve the problems quickly and creatively. Non creative
subjects made no upward shift in Alpha, and actually decreased their Alpha if they concentrated. Non
creative subjects blocked Alpha on all types of cognitive tasks, but creative subjects blocked only on
tasks not allowing for creativity, and actually increased Alpha during tasks calling for or allowing
creativity. Creative subjects showed higher Alpha during the Inspiration phase of the creative process
than they did during the following Elaboration phase, that required more analytical thinking.

Is IQ Genetic & Does HIGH IQ mean MORE MONEY? – Dr. Jordan Peterson & Dr. Richard Haier Discuss

«Viciously powerful predictor of long term life success» Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson – Hechos controversiales sobre el IQ

Jordan Peterson | The Most Terrifying IQ Statistic

How Smart are Billionaires? How Smart are Millionaires? – IQ and Wealth Correlation

Jordan Peterson: Do the poor have lower IQs?

The #1 Predictor to Know If You’re Going To Be Wealthy

The Traits that Predict Success According to Psychology (And Jordan Peterson)

The Traits that Predict Success According to Psychology (And Jordan Peterson)

Emotional intelligence at work: Why IQ isn’t everything | Big Think

Emotional Intelligence. The Biggest Predictor of Success! with Daniel Tolson

Emotional Intelligence – The Key to Success | Tazeen Ahmad | TEDxBergen

Why Daniel Goleman Says a High IQ Doesn’t Predict Success l SuperSoul Sunday l Oprah Winfrey Network



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