Espalda Consciente – Dolor de espalda y dolores crónicos – Functional patterns – corrección de la espalda.

We take the guesswork out of taking care of your body #functionalpatterns
• Make gains without the pains
• Results matter most. Take


Teach Your Body, Heal Your Mind Teach Your Body, Heal Your Mind
The stress and anxiety of daily life can be exhausting.
That’s why our FP method helps you develop proper
mechanics to alter your physiological state for a
stronger body and healthier mind.
Take Control Take Control
Don’t let pain control your life. By building up your
knowledge of functional and effective movements,
you can take back control of joint pain and stiffness
and feel free to move again, pain-free.
See The Results See The Results
Each session in our program is created to maximize
your gains so you don’t just feel the difference, but
see it for yourself.

Functional Patterns Beginner Core Exercises – Plank Modificiation for Better Core Stability

Forward Head Posture – How To Fix Text Neck


Addressing Scoliosis and Back Pain – Ashley Kramer’s FP Experience

HUMAN FOUNDATIONS – 10 Week Functional Patterns Online Course

Functional Patterns 11 minute total body core workout

Functional Patterns Active Hamstring Flexibility – Hamstring Retensioning

Functional Patterns Posture Training – Is it all just hype?

DOTW – Crossfit: The Destruction of Human Biomechanics Functional Patterns

Tight Hamstrings? Stretching Routine for Posterior Chain Functional Patterns

Functional Patterns Active Hamstring Flexibility – Hamstring Retensioning

The Ultimate Butt Workout – How to Squat Correctly Functional Patterns

Functional Patterns Movement Training – Strength and Conditioning Workout With Kyle Dake

Functional Patterns Strength Training – Addressing a Forward Head, Scapular Winging and Kyphosis

Most Overrated Exercises – The Bench Press for Chest Development


FUNCTIONAL PATTERNS | Functional Training Evolved

Functional Patterns Posture Training – Is it all just hype?


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